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Are you struggling to cope? There is help for you….


If you are struggling to cope and need to talk, Shout 85258 volunteers are there for you, day or night.  Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, anonymous text support service. You can text from wherever you are in the UK.

Launched in May 2019 they have had more than 500,000 conversations with people who are anxious, stressed, depressed, suicidal, or overwhelmed and who need immediate support. As a digital service, Shout 85258 has become increasingly critical since Covid-19, being one of the few mental health support services able to operate as normal at this time.

As part of their offering, they also offer a FREE independent, confidential and UK based nationwide service delivering psychological support to people working on the frontline.  They match frontline workers with an experienced professional to emotionally support them and provide a safe place to offload and listen.

So please don’t suffer in silence get in touch with them today :