For key worker participants
If you’re thinking about receiving FREE coaching via our initiative:
- Read our FAQ’s to find out more about coaching
- Download our quick-read leaflet to find out more about our programme
- Read feedback from previous participants
- Watch a video from Ciara, a consultant anaesthetist who received some coaching, to hear about her experience.
- Click HERE to sign up for your free coaching
Once we’ve received your application, you’ll hear directly from your coach as soon as possible to set up your first session.
Diversity and inclusion: We welcome applications from key workers from all departments and backgrounds, including BAME, LGBTQ+ and people with disabilities.
If, for any reason, the chemistry with your coach isn’t quite right you’ll have an opportunity to work with a different coach at any point, and sessions will be held at your own convenience. You can stop whenever you feel the time is right or continue with more than 6 sessions if you’d like to.
For organisations including trusts
If you think people working within your organisation could benefit from Coaching Through COVID & Beyond, we’d welcome a conversation with you to discuss how we can bring the programme to you.
For example, you may have direct contact with staff who could benefit, or you may wish to explore the role of champions in engaging colleagues in the programme. We’re keen to collaborate with you so that together we can bring this support to more of those who need it.
We’re aware that, regardless of whether or when there is another COVID surge, the experience staff have already had may leave a long tail, and that wellbeing, and capacity to resource oneself will have a direct relationship to compassionate leadership, self-compassion, and effectiveness – and thus to patient care and safety. Our coaching is intended to serve those significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic & beyond, and includes those who have worked, or are currently working, in COVID-infected zones in acute trusts, care homes and community settings, those who are helping to resource and support those areas, and those in mental health trusts who are dealing with issues and crises exacerbated by COVID-19. This includes clinical staff, nurses, cleaners and porters. The programme is not intended to serve those in management roles to whom we believe their organisations would normally offer coaching which would be paid for by those organisations.
We have created a poster that can be displayed in your workplace to help promote our service to your colleagues, which you can download here. If you would like to receive some printed copies do get in touch and we will do our best to facilitate this.
Please contact us here to discuss:
For internal champions
As a champion of coaching, you’ll have the opportunity to promote and bring Coaching Through COVID & Beyond directly to colleagues, to help us reach people from all backgrounds and departments and to easily connect them to the programme. You may have your own inspiration on how to get started, and equally we can support you through our two mentor champions, both anaesthetists at the Royal Free Hospital in London. Click here for ideas on how other champions have brought the programme to their colleagues. You can also download this poster to display in your workplace and help us to spread the word within your organisation. To find out more about this role, or to start now, please contact us here:
Internal champion Dr Ciara Donohue (Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Free London NHS Trust) says:
“The sense of overwhelm has been both a driver and a challenge in setting up this programme. Those who have found the bandwidth to engage have relayed to me just how precious and resourcing their coaching experience has been. How opening up a safe space with a neutral party has allowed them to organise the chaos, prioritise, regulate. We have been incredibly touched and humbled by the generosity of your offer to care for us as we try our best to care for our patients and colleagues. With the passing of the first COVID surge our workforce are bruised and weary. In this period, the coaching relationship you are providing to help us to reflect, restore and potentially grow feels like such a blessing.”
Watch Ciara’s video on her experience of the programme HERE
For volunteer coaches
If you’d like to offer your services pro-bono as an accredited coach, register HERE.
We welcome accredited coaches from all backgrounds.
Please do bear with us if we can’t immediately match you with a key worker. We’re finding, as are other similar service providers, that these things take time and that demand is uneven: key workers may be overwhelmed, exhausted or finding it hard to sift through different offers.
To find out more about our coaches, see ‘How we work’ below.
One way for us to make it easy for key workers to find out about us and trust what we’re offering is through building relationships with organisational representatives (see more at ‘For organisations including trusts’ above) and internal champions (see ‘For internal champions’ above) – and we’re developing those relationships all the time. Many of these relationships have come through introductions from our coaches or existing trust relationships, so if you know anyone who you’d like to introduce to us, we’d be delighted to talk to them. Please get in touch with us here:
Volunteers to help us connect/stay connected
As we grow relationships with more trusts and care providers, please consider being a light touch focal point for the programme.
You may be a coach or other professional who enjoys building and managing relationships, and who would relish the challenge of forming and nurturing connections with our clients/partner organisations.
You’d have the opportunity to build a relationship with the internal champion(s) within the trust or organisation, and with the organisational representative (perhaps Learning and Development or Organisational Development), and to help us keep an overview of the coaching. You can see more about the role HERE
If this fits the bill for you, or you’d like to explore what this role involves, please get in touch by emailing:
How we work
Our purpose : To be of service to key workers who’ve worked in, or are currently working in ‘COVID infected Zones’ in acute trusts, care homes and community settings, mental health trusts, hospices and other health providers who are dealing with issues and crises exacerbated by COVID-19, or who are helping to resource and support these areas…by offering these workers high-quality professional inclusive coaching and other timely, demand led resources bespoke to individual needs and schedules… in a way that is relational, tangible and sustainable… to help them find meaning, learning and growth from their experiences, attend to their own wellbeing and deliver sustainable care to those they serve.
The programme isn’t intended to serve those in management roles to whom we believe their organisations would normally offer coaching paid for by those organisations. If you work in the NHS, social care, or the hospice sector, and you’ve been or continue to be affected by COVID-19 and aren’t sure whether the programme is for you – do get in touch/fill in the form – we may still be able to help.
Our values:
- Be of service
- Reduce suffering
- Do no harm
- Agile
- Courage
- Ethics & integrity: check intentions &
- ‘Do the right thing’
- Collaborate
- Compassionate leadership
- Inclusiveness & diversity
We’re delighted to be partnering with Professor Amy Edmondson’s Fearless Organization to ensure we attend to psychological safety as a key enabler of team effectiveness, innovation and sustainable growth. We also endorse the GMC’s approach to compassionate leadership and seek to mirror this in offering compassionate coaching. We’re also delighted to be partnering with the Compassion Institute to offer clinicians and coaches an opportunity to develop the inner practices to reduce secondary stress, compassion fatigue and burnout and support wellbeing, flourishing and growth.
To find out more about our purpose, values and approach, click HERE
What makes us different and distinctive?
- Our commitment to compassion in all that we do
- Our relationships with internal champions (although we also encourage key workers to contact us directly)
- Our selection and development of accredited coaches who are:
- At an advanced stage of ‘coaching maturity’ (relational, compassionate, take a systemic approach, eclectic – not wedded to a single technique but able to formulate and deliver the interventions that they consider appropriate)
- Psychologically-minded – able to work with a range of psychological issues and know when and where to refer on for other support. Our team includes resilience trauma therapists and wellbeing specialists
- Able to adopt a holistic participant-led approach, offering support on anything participants bring to sessions
How to apply
Find our simple registration form HERE. You’ll be matched to a coach as soon as possible, and they’ll contact you to arrange your first session. If, for any reason, the chemistry isn’t quite right you’ll have an opportunity to work with a different coach at any point, and sessions will be held at your own convenience. You can stop whenever you feel the time is right or continue with more than 6 sessions if you and your coach would like to.
Accredited coaches
We’ve had an overwhelmingly positive and generous response from coaches. Key workers are weary and are sometimes bombarded by offers, so it may take time for matches to happen. If you’d like to join us (and don’t mind waiting), register HERE
About us
As COVID-19 took hold of the UK in March 2020 Mark McMordie, whose facilitative compassionate leadership is key to how we work, planted a seed: how can coaches and others step up to support key workers? And here we are:
The current core team comprises:
Dr Ciara Donohue – consultant anaesthetist, Royal Free Hospital
Christina Silver
David Elliott
David Skinner
Fiona Setch
Kay Parker
Lindsay Wittenberg – Lindsay Wittenberg Ltd
Liz Hall – Liz Hall Coaching & Coaching at Work magazine
Maria Foxwell
Nicky Bradley
Rosanne Green
Dr Raviro Mangwiro – consultant anaesthetist, Royal Free Hospital
Sarah Haler
Previous core team members :
Mark McMordie – The Conscious Leader and Coaching Through Covid co-founder, whose brainchild this initiative was
Carole Osterweil
Carrie Rooney
Dr Charlotte Kingsley – consultant anaesthetist, Royal Free Hospital
Dr Kate Sherratt – consultant anaesthetist, Royal Free Hospital
Dvija Mehta
Ella Clark – Ella Clark Coaching
Fiona Byrne – programme & project management
Gina Lodge – Academy of Executive Coaching
Pauline Muldoon – Lee Hecht Harrison
Sarah Barlow – Imakeitso
Sasi Panchal – project management specialist & leadership coach
For more information on our sponsors and supporters, see ‘Supporters and sponsors’ below
What people say
Dr Ciara Donohue, consultant anaesthetist at the Royal Free Hospital, talks about how both receiving coaching and acting as an internal champion have made a difference.
Watch Ciara’s video
Dr Marc Wittenberg, another consultant anaesthetist at the Royal Free hospital, shares how coaching helped him decompress, make sense of challenging experiences, relieve high degrees of stress and anxiety and prepare him for a second wave, Watch Marc’s video

Supporters and sponsors
Our eco-system is a compassionate inclusive collaboration in service of a shared purpose. We wish to thank every coach and supervisor who has stepped forward to support the programme and everyone who gives their time so generously – including the above supporters of our programme.
We’re also endorsed by the following professional coaching bodies, and coach training providers:
Academy of Executive Coaching
The UK International Coach Federation
The Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision
The European Mentoring and Coaching Council
The Association of Coaching Supervisors
The Association for Coaching
Hult-Ashridge Executive Education
Henley Centre for Coaching & Behavioural Change